The API Council is recognized for its  dedication to bettering the health and well-being of APIs.

  • Community Leaders Celebrate 10 Years of Success for API Council | click here
  • API Council Responds to US Supreme Court Ruling Gutting Affirmative Action | click here
  • The API Council Releases Statement on the Tragedy that Occurred in the City of Monterey Park | click here
  • The API Council Responds to Racist Remarks of SFUSD School Board Commissioner Ann Hsu | click here
  • Asian and Pacific Islander Council Convenes Members for Press Conference on Grave Concerns Regarding the Redistricting Community Input Process | click here
  • Mayor London Breed Swears In David Chiu as San Francisco City Attorney | click here
  • The API Council Statement COVID-19 Hate Crimes Bill | click here
  • The API Council Congratulates the Historic Appointment of Rob Bonta for California Attorney General | click here
  • The API Council Responds to Racist Remarks of SFUSD School Board Vice President Alison Colins | click here
  • The API Council Responds to Atlanta Gun Violence Incident | click here
  • API Community, The Coalition of Community Safety & Justice, with Community Youth Center as a fiscal agency, spearheads to create the Victim & Survivors Fund | click here
  • API Council Urges SFUSD Leadership to Prioritize a Safe Return To Schools | click here
  • API Council Applauds President Biden for Condemning Racism Toward Asian Americans | click here
  • API Council Congratulates President Biden and Vice President Harris on Inauguration Day | click here
  • API Council Statement in Support of Mayor London Breed’s Appointment of Carmen Chu for City Administrator | click here
  • Asian and Pacific Islander Council and SFUSD Unite to Oppose Racism | click here
  • Asian and Pacific Islander Council Receives $75,000 from AT&T to Support Grantmaking to San Francisco Small Businesses | click here
  • AT&T donates $75,000 to API Council for San Francisco small business grants | click here
  • Mayor Breed Announces Delivery of Personal Protective Equipment to Small Businesses | click here
  • San Francisco Complete Count Committee in partnership with OCEIA Organize Census Caravan to Reach Low Response Rate Neighborhoods | click here
  • Mayor London Breed and API Council urge the Asian and Pacific Islander Communities to Complete Census 2020 despite Coronavirus delays | click here
  • API Council Launches Covid-19 Fund | click here
  • API Council Engages Community with Mayoral Forum | click here
  • A Community Celebration of Mayor Edwin Mah Lee | click here
  • Statement on the Death of Mayor Edwin Lee | click here
  • Budget Disparity Press Conference | click here
  • API Council Stands Against Hate | click here
  • “API Council’s Meeting with San Francisco Police Chief William ‘Bill’ Scott” | click here